Tuesday 1 September 2015

How To Approach A Woman In The Public And Make Her Say Yessss

We have been receiving emails from guys asking how they can boldly approach a girl in public. Some men are naturally shy while some don’t even know how to start. The thing is, wooing a girl in public is simple and a lot easier than when she’s alone. Here, we have put this down to help you be a man, Lol. 

Read carefully to the end.

1. Make Eye Contact:
If you see someone you’d like to meet, try to
make eye contact before talking to her. Once you catch her eye, try to maintain eye contact.
If you repeatedly make eye contact with someone, it could be a sign that she wants you to approach her. Three glances from a girl might signal that she’s interested.
Why are eyes so powerful? Science seems to
suggest that eye contact activates our brain’s reward center, the ventral striatum. What does this mean? Our DNA is telling us that someone staring at you is cause for celebration!

Smile. A friendly smile is a great way to show
someone that you’re interested in them. If she returns the smile, that’s a good sign that she might be interested. Once you’ve exchanged a few glances and a smile, check her body language.
This will give you a better idea if she’s actually interested.

2. Check Body Language:

While reading another person’s body language, male or female, is NOT an exact science, there are definitely a few behaviors to look for that will signal that the person is not interested in engaging in
conversation. Respect the girl’s right to be left alone.
Is she facing away from you? Are her arms
crossed? Is she listening to music, or reading a book? Is she frowning? Is she specifically looking away from you? While not perfect indicators, expressions and body language like this probably
means leave her alone.
Body language is not everything. Women are taught from childhood that they must be pleasant no matter what. If you are going to approach her, pay attention to how she reacts and what she

3. Break The Ice:

Start with a simple ice-breaker. Perhaps you are reading the same book, or you
noticed she was wearing a shirt that has a band you like. Perhaps the bus is
late and you can commiserate with her.
If she doesn’t seem interested in talking,
leave her alone. There are numerous
ways to tell: not making eye contact,
monosyllabic answers, looking around for some way out of the conversation.
If she is interested she will make that clear:eye contact, smiling, sometimes
leaning closer.

Once you’ve approached and established that she’s interested, proceed to having a conversation.

4. Strike A Conversation:

This might flow naturally out of your ice- breaker comment, but if not there are several ways to have a conversation.
Ask her if she made her earrings/dress/other
cool item. You could even say
something like “I couldn’t help but noticing
how your dress matches your eyes.
It’s a great color.” It lets her know that you
think she’s attractive without
dwelling on her looks. Like anyone else, girls
like to be appreciated for more
than just their appearance.
If you’re in a place like a bookstore or comic
book store, ask her what her
favorite book is.
Be sure to listen when she speaks. You’ll find
out more about her, have
opportunities to further the conversation, and
show her that you are interested
in her as a person.

5. Make Plans To Meet Again:

If she seems interested and you are still
interested, try and make plans for a
future meet-up.
Give her your phone number or email
address. This way she feels in control of
the situation. You’ll know for certain that
she’s interested if she follows up.
Ask for her phone number or email address.
If she says no, leave it. She doesn’t
owe you anything further, even if she did
enjoy your company.
Ask her on an instant date. Ask her if she
wants to grab coffee somewhere.
Always choose a public place for an instant
date; you want her to feel
comfortable. Have a coffee shop in mind if
you do ask, or ask her if she knows
a good place. That way she will feel in
control of the situation.

6. Be Respectful:

This is the absolute most important part of
approaching a girl in public, or in
any situation. If she is not interested back
Remember, different girls have different
tastes in guys, or no taste in guys. One
girl might just feel that you’re not her type.
However, there might be another
girl out there who will think you’re awesome.
Now that you’ve finished reading this, feel
free to share on your social
networks. Your friends will thank you for
sharing this piece of info with them.
Any questions? Ask below using the
comment box. Goodluck guys!

Source : Wikihow

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