Saturday 19 December 2015

14 Signs To Know Your Girlfriend Isn’t Right For You

Are you getting tired of your babe’s recent behavior? Or just plainly unhappy? Before you see a doctor it could be time to self-diagnose a toxic friendship.

Here are tips to help you uncover Signs To Know Your Girlfriend Isn’t Right For You

1. You’re Dimming Your Light: She says she’s happy for you, but you can tell she’s not. So instead of shouting your good news, you play it off as no big deal so she won’t get upset. Instead of putting up with rain on your parade, it might be time to shine in a sky with less cloud.

2. You’re bottling It up: You would open up, but she’s got a track record of spilling the beans, betraying your trust and throwing you under the bus. Keeping it in isn’t healthy. It might be time to find a friend you can share with without fear.

3. You’re Shutting Up: You’ve logged hundreds of hours listening to her guy gripes. But when it’s your turn to gripe, suddenly she’s got a call on the other line. If you’ve got 99 problems but can’t talk through one, it could be time to find a better listener before your load gets to be too much.

4. You feel alone: Because she never takes your side. Your supervisor is being difficult again but all she can see is her side of the argument. Chances are she can’t see your side because she’s not on it.

5. You’re flat broke: You can’t remember the last time she remembered her wallet or could make rent. Now you’re struggling and she’s still got her hand out. Better set some boundaries or you’ll both be in the poor house.

6. You spend energy being suspicious: There’s just something about the way she laughs at his jokes. And it wouldn’t be the first house she’s wrecked. If you think she’s capable of something as shady as pushing up on your man it might be time to let her go.

 7. Your lie detector is in overdrive: Every time her mouth is open now that you think about it. Pathological liars can’t be trusted. It’s only a matter of time before her untruths hurt you.

8. Your last nerve is wearing out: Life is long and sometimes people grow apart. If the relationship no longer works, sometimes it’s better to let go before things get to bad to repair.

 9. You feel sometimed: When you’re the only one there, you have her full attention. But when she has a man, new friend or fresh co- worker, you’re on the back burner. You deserve a friend all the time: not just when it’s convenient.

10. You suddenly feel substandard: She corrects your grammar, your choice in clothes and even the men you date. If she thinks she’s so much better than you maybe you should set her free to find someone that’s ‘more on her level’ whatever that means.

11. You’re Overexerted: You always call her to hang out. And even then her cancel rate is more than half. If she can’t make time for you, maybe you should stop making time for her.

12. You’ve been hanging alone: Because you two are never down for the same thing. There’s a reason why birds of a feather flock together. Party ani mals and homebodies just don’t mix. Instead of choosing which of you has a bad time, maybe you should choose to spend less time together.

13. You’re Tired of Playing Detective: You: What’s Wrong Her: Nothing, *eye roll* All relationships are about communication. Making you play the guessing game while she shuts you out is exhausting, unfair and just plain uncool. If you can’t work on your issues, you can’t work on your friendship.

14. You’re having trouble being happy: Debbie Downer was a funny Saturday Night Live sketch, but who can afford to be her best friend? If her permanent bad mood is stealing your sunshine it may be time to move on if you can’t help her cheer up….

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