Thursday 10 December 2015

Things you should consider when comparing your relationship with others

Comparing relationship with someone else’s does nothing good for you rather you become more insecure because you’ll always be one foot out the door. Every relationship is unique in it’s own way with it’s own strengths and weaknesses. Inspired by All Women Stalk, here are a few reasons to never compare your relationship:
1. You’ll always think of the negative things. The negative things make it look like everyone else is better than your partner. The grass is never greener on the other side in this case.

2. You fail to remember that no one is without fault including you. You aren’t perfect, so don’t expect perfection from your partner.

3. You may be envied by others. Other’s may be thinking the exact opposite of what you think of your relationship.

4. You never see the full picture. You only see the unrealistic part in the relationship of others and totally forget that they have their downsides.

 5. You aren’t being fair to your partner by comparing your relationship.

 6. You sink deeper into depression as each day goes by.

 7. You miss the awesome parts of your relationship by focusing on what you don’t have instead of being grateful for what you have.

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