Tuesday 17 May 2016

10 Secrets That Will Help Any Woman Understand Any Man

The following 10 secrets will help you know and understand your man very well and will surely leads to a lasting and fruitful relationship.

1. Men Will Talk About Feelings
 It may be easier for your man to talk about feelings indirectly. Ask what he’d do during a romantic weekend. Or what
he thought the first time he met you. His answers will reveal how he feels and bring you closer.

2. Men Say “I Love You” With Actions Some men prefer to express their feelings through actions rather than words. Your guy may say “I love you” by fixing things around the house, tidying up the yard, or even taking out the trash — anything that makes your world a better place.

3.Men Take Commitment Seriously  Men have a reputation for being afraid to commit. But the evidence suggests men take marriage seriously. They may take longer to commit because they want to make sure they are onboard for good. In a survey of currently married men, 90% say they would marry the same woman again.

4.He Really Is Listening
When you’re listening to someone talk, you probably pipe in with a “yes” or “I see” every now and then. It’s your way of saying, “I’m listening.” But some guys don’t do this. Just because a man isn’t saying anything doesn’t mean he’s not listening. He may prefer to listen quietly and think about what you’re saying.

5. Shared Activities Form Bonds
Men strengthen their relationships primarily through shared activities more than by sharing thoughts or feelings. For many men, activities like sports and s3x make them feel closer to their partner.

6. Men Need Time for Themselves
While shared activities are important, men also need time for themselves. Whether your guy enjoys golf, gardening, or working out at the gym, encourage him to pursue his hobbies, while you make time for your own. When both partners have space to nurture their individuality, they have more to give to each other.

7. Men Learn From Their Fathers
 If you want to know how a man will act in a relationship, get to know his dad. Some say men learn about their relationship role by watching and listening to their fathers. How they are with each other and how the father relates to the mother can predict how a man will relate to his wife.

8. Men Let Go Faster Than Women Women tend to remember negative experiences longer and may have lingering feelings of stress, anxiety, or sadness. In contrast, men are less likely to dwell on unpleasant events and tend to move on more quickly. So while you may still want to talk about last night’s argument, your guy may have already forgotten about it.

9.Men Don’t Pick Up on Subtle Cues
Men are more likely to miss subtle signals like tone of voice or facial expressions. And they are especially likely to miss sadness on a woman’s face. If you want to make sure your guy gets the message, be direct.

10.Men Respond to Appreciation Showing appreciation for your guy can make a big difference in the way he acts. Take parenting. Studies show that fathers are more involved in care-giving when their wives value their involvement and seethem as competent

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