Monday, 13 March 2017

Very Dangerous! When Mastur_bating Never Make These 4 Mistakes

When it comes to mastur_bation, simple is safe. But sometimes, men overdo it by trying to spice things up. This is not advisable. Stick with what works so you won’t have to deal with these complications below;

1. Over-pounding: A 29-year-old man was diagnosed with something called Fournier’s gangrene. It is a rare type of microbial infection. He got this by mastur_bating so frequently that he’d opened up abrasions on the shaft of his pe_nis, which left him vulnerable to infection.
2. Squeezing too hard: Did you know that most incidents involving broken pen_ises happen during mastur_bation? Some guys can squeeze too hard and stroke down at the wrong angle, causing a rupture of their rod’s corpus cavernosa—the cylindrical tubes that fill with blood when you have an erec_tion. Swelling and leaking, as well as a dozen other complications, can cause permanent loss of function.
3. Doing it in motion: Multiple men have broken their peni_ses while mastu_rbating in moving cars. The vehicle stopped suddenly, causing a collision between the pen_is and steering wheel or dashboard. Bad idea.
4. Sticking things in there: For added stimulation, two different men decided independently that feeding stiff electrical wire into their peni_ses while mastu_rbating was a good idea. One of the guys pushed the wire so far down his shaft that it coiled in his bladder. In both cases, doctors had to perform surgery to remove the wire.

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