Tuesday 26 September 2017

7 Habits That Can Destroy Your Relationship


There are so many habits that can ruin a loving relationship, whether you are single or married.
Most times those destructive habits don’t look like a bad habit from the beginning but in the long run, it could lead to bigger problems that can ruin a relationship no matter how sweet the relationship is.

“These bad habits include physical and emotional cheating, poor communication, addictions and many others, here are 7 habits that can destroy a loving relationship”

1. Having no common courtesy: “You aren’t single any longer, learning to include your partner in your plans is simple courtesy, it shows that you have a lot of respect for them, if the plans do not go as expected, communicate to your partner why such a thing happened rather than having a fight about it, you become more trustworthy to your partner and create a stronger bond when you have common courtesy”.

2. Going back to the past: The past is the past which is why it should be left in the past, most couple always bring up their past relationship during an argument. No matter what never bring your past relationship to judge your new relationship.

3. Forgetting to say ‘thank you’: “As much as saying thank you may not mean a thing to you immediately, it’ll go a long way in your relationship if you use it often, it’s important to express gratitude to your partner every time, doesn’t matter if they are just carrying out the simplest of duties”.

4. Focusing on the negatives: We all have our flaws, so picking on your partner’s shortcoming can destroy your relationship, it is best to overlook some shortcomings of your partner in order to have a good relationship.

5. Talking to each other through texts: “Having a heart to heart conversation via texts is awful for you, as much as talking to each other through texts could be okay in some instances, it could cause huge problems in communication if all you do is text each other”.

6. Most couples let distractive devices such as phones, computers, social media get in between their relationships and allow it to dictate how to treat their partners and these distractions will slowly kill the emotional connections between partners.

7. Speaking ill of your partner: “Saying hurtful things about your partner to someone else especially in public places is simply horrible, no single or married relationship is perfect and some things are bound to drive you crazy, but speaking ill of your partner to someone else is just downright petty

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