Monday 2 November 2015

5 Common Reasons Why Most Ladies Are Not Married

Hello everyone am sure you are doing great and having a great time in your relationships. Ok. On today’s write-up, I will be discussing on some reasons why so many ladies remain single. So many will term it a spiritual issue, I think all
blames should not go spirituality, but on the things I will be listing below here. So fasten your seat belt and enjoy the trip we unlock some of these factors.

1: STANDARD/CHOICE- some ladies have set so great standard on whom they want to marry, that it has now become a problem to them. The standards are so high that most bachelors are not eligible again, imagine when some ladies want a man with a mansion, good job and already made, and forgetting that most men with this criteria’s are married already, so to get a suitable young man that meets this standard becomes rare and a serious problem.

2: FAMILY /CULTURE- This factor plays out most in African where families are forbidden from marring some tribe due to age long history. A lady sees a man she loves and they both starts a plan, but along the line on getting home to meet with their future in-laws, family differences and culture now begins to pose a great hindrance to them e.g. The Ibo speaking part especially tells you of Osu (Outcast). How on earth can you call a normal human like you an outcast and stops your son or daughter from marrying there.

3: Social Media: WHAT! Most of you reading this will scream at me, but yes social me has got its own wahala as we call problem locally in this part of the world. Yes it got so many advantages, yet its problems cannot be overlooked. Most ladies have exposed themselves to social media to the extent that guys now see’s them as sex toys. How can I as a guy see your nakedness (Nudity) in social media and I know to well that all your contact list have seen so too, still want to go ahead to have you as a wife material?. Ladies should learn to become modest on social media, as you don’t know who may be seeing you. It could be your future husband, father or mother in-law, sister- in-laws…just name it.

4: Economy: this cannot be over looked also; the present economy is not helping matters, as the cost of settling down is not easy in this part of the country. No lady these days is ready to settle for suffering or let’s build it together mentality again. So the harsh economy is really making things difficult and thus increasing the number of the single ladies. So when you are busy casting and binding demons, you should also be busy praying God to start blessing the guys too. Imagine King Solomon was so blessed that him alone married 700 wives and had 300 concubines….lolz.

5: WORK: Your work can also pose a threat to you settling down. Some ladies are too busy that their social life begins to die. You don’t go out. You don’t hang out, it’s just work, work and work you do. I am not saying you should not be productive or pursue your career, but when doing this, try to blend your social life to. Build your career and equally build your social life. Go for weddings, dinner/gala nights, attend birthday parties, church events and who knows your Mr. right may just be out there waiting for you. Well time will fail me to go ahead, seat back and look at these factors well and see those that applies to you. Guys wait for me next week it will be your turn. Cheers!!

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