Monday 2 November 2015

5 Strong Reasons Why Relationships Fail

Hello pals, in this article, I shall be looking at five important reasons why relationships fail no matter the power of the love you two claim to have for each other, if these are not corrected on time will cause a more serious and
devastating harm than good in your relationship. There are so many you may be familiar with, but I choose this five because they are simply but dangerous if not handled.

 1.DRESS SENSE: it may sound crazy and funny, but it’s a serious fact that has been underestimated by most lovers and it has cost them a lot of damage. It applies for both the guy and lady in the relationship. How can you be dressing so nice, sexy and cute while trying to attract him/her, and now that you feel you have him/her there is no more need to look good? Well sorry to disappoint you, after you have gotten him/her, you must continue to look that same good, as that was one of the attracting force that got them to you. Do all you can to maintain and keep them. Don’t take your dress sense for granted, always look smart and neat. Ladies especially you, how can you wear sexy wear while trying to get him, but after you got, him, you now tie wrapper on your chest and look so un-kept, no make ups again, no fixing of nails, no more nice hair do’s?....except he tell you to stop if not go ahead and do those sweet things for him. And you bros, you can’t wash or change your boxers or singlet’s again? That’s crazy, as you will soon loose him/her to a better guy or lady.

 2. LIES: when trying to get him/her, don’t start on lies. Try as much as you can to be honest and truthful in all that you do. A guy or lady that will love you will still love you for whom you are, and for whatever job you are doing. Avoid telling lies, as when the person finds out that you lied to them, they will feel bad and terrible about you. Be truthful at all times, especially to someone you claim you love. If not I see your relationship crashing likes a pack of card.

3.JEALOUSY: why going unnecessarily jealous with someone who already have? Stop that jealousy and love him and do all you can to make your relationship work. The more jealous you are, the less offensive you become and will end up living a horrible life that will ruin who you truly are. Just be yourself darling let those guys and ladies flock round them, but just remain calm and calculated and yourself win the battle at the long last.

4.FOUNDATION: yes this is one of the most important factor of starting and sustaining a relationship. The foundation of everything is so much important that it cannot be underestimated for anything else. Let the relationship be well defined from the onset, what do we really want or what are we actually going into in this relationship, sex, money, fun or marriage. Don’t go into a relationship with a different thing in mind, as it will not last the test of time. Define what both of you actually want from the beginning and you will be glad you guys did. Most guys actually are guilty of this, they lie to the lady that they want marriage, when in the actual they only want sex.

5. CHEAT: this is important too. Why cheating on someone you told you love. Millions of people where out there when you went for them and they accepted you, why the cheat. If you don’t like certain things about them teach or correct them in love and make them the perfect person you want and enjoy your relationship, why the cheat. If he/she finds out, the relationship may be heading for the rocks. Thanks for taking out time to read this piece, see you on top of your relationship. Cheers!

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