Thursday, 19 October 2017

See 7 mistakes single women always make

A List of Lists

Women often start off wrong by having a laundry list full of traits, characteristics, deal-makers and deal-breakers that do nothing but keep them single. Expecting a guy to fill or be everything on the list is next to impossible and it closes off the possibility that you'll meet someone else. If you expect Mr. Right to be a tall millionaire who is both funny and attractive, with no children, no previous marriages and a mother who isn’t clingy, it does nothing but narrow down your options and your good guy may slip away.

Desperate Debbie

Being so desperate that you’ll take anything just to say you’re not single isn’t the way to go either. Don’t make the mistake of settling by taking on a guy who treats you poorly just so you have a date.

Complain About The Ex

No one needs to be reminded daily that your ex was a louse. After a while, you’ll earn a reputation as a bitter, jaded, wounded psycho who can’t leave the past in the past. Get over your ex and consider your singleness as an opportunity to meet someone new.

Become A Date Ghost

Between being shadowed by your gang of girlfriends and not getting out the house unless it’s a special occasion, you’ve killed your dating life. As you begin to wonder how you’re going to find a good guy to hang out with, consider that you need to get out there and let him see you. Every time can’t be girls night out so that might even mean going solo.

You Don’t Need A Man

It’s true -- you don’t need a man to validate your happiness or to fill some void in your life. But if you want one, don’t constantly remind him of that. If you meet someone and find yourself making the mistake of reiterating to him how independent you are and how much you “don’t need a man,” he’ll wonder what’s the use of trying to get to know you.

Too Much Too Soon

Whether it’s personal information, attention or sex, women make the mistake of removing the mystery from the dating process. There's something to be said for the art of the chase. While most men are direct and don’t want to play games, they also don't want someone who literally gives it all up when they first meet you. Hold back some of the sex appeal, raunchy stories and clinginess until you know his last name.

You’re Not Ready

The mother of all dating no-nos is putting yourself out there before you're ready to embrace meeting someone. You’re so busy you can barely schedule time to eat a decent meal huddled over your desk, let alone enjoy the company of some stranger. Free up your schedule before you hit the hotspots or you may let Mr. Right slip right through your fingers.

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